Orange Eye Yellow Goldenback Shrimp


This variation has ORANGE EYES! The Yellow Golden Back Shrimp is prized for its vivid yellow coloration and distinct golden stripe along its back.

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This variation has ORANGE EYES! The Yellow Golden Back Shrimp is prized for its vivid yellow coloration and distinct golden stripe along its back. These shrimp come in various grades, with the Golden Back variety being highly regarded, and the 24K variation being the most esteemed, known for its bright yellow racing stripe.

These shrimp result from the selective breeding of Red Cherry Shrimp. Initially, dark-colored Red Cherry Shrimp were chosen to produce Chocolate Shrimp, which were then bred to develop the yellow coloration seen in the Golden Back.

Hailing from the Neocaridina palmata lineage, Yellow Golden Back Shrimp have been carefully bred for their vibrant yellow color and prominent gold bar. Despite the existence of multiple color variations within the Neocaridina line, it is recommended to avoid mixing these colors to preserve the pure yellow genes of the Golden Back. Mixing colors can lead to offspring with a wild brown coloration, losing the desired yellow traits.


Originally developed in Taiwan

Scientific Name:

Neocaridina davidi




GH: 6 – 8

KH: 2 -4

PH: 7.8

Temp: 6.8 – 7.5 (No heater)

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