Yellow Goldenback Shrimp | Neocaridina Freshwater Aquarium – Superior Shrimp & Aquatics
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Yellow Goldenback Shrimp

Yellow Goldenback Shrimp

Regular price $16.25
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The Yellow Goldenback Shrimp is prized for its vivid yellow coloration and distinct golden stripe along its back. These shrimp come in various grades, with the Goldenback variety being highly regarded, and the 24K variation being the most esteemed, known for its bright yellow racing stripe. These shrimp result from the selective breeding of Red Cherry Shrimp. Initially, dark-colored Red Cherry Shrimp were chosen to produce Chocolate Shrimp, which were then bred to develop the yellow coloration seen in the Goldenback. Hailing from the Neocaridina palmata lineage, Yellow Goldenback Shrimp have been carefully bred for their vibrant yellow color and prominent gold bar. Despite the existence of multiple color variations within the Neocaridina line, it is recommended to avoid mixing these colors to preserve the pure yellow genes of the Goldenback. Mixing colors can lead to offspring with a wild brown coloration, losing the desired yellow traits.

- Breeder Pack Includes: 2 Males/8 Females (not including extras).  

- Ultimate Breeder Pack Includes: 2 Males/8 Females (not including extras).  3oz of shrimp food, 1 cholo wood, and 5 almond leaves.


  • Yellow Golden Back
  • 24k Golden Back


  • Originally developed in Taiwan


  • Neocaridina davidi


  • GH: 6 - 8
  • KH: 2 -4
  • PH: 7.8
  • Temp: 6.8 - 7.5 (No heater)

Complete your shrimp order with some vibrant plants! They provide essential hiding spots and enhance the natural look of your tank, creating a healthier, more enriching environment for your shrimp. Add plants to your order for a thriving, beautiful setup!

Check out the DOA POLICY and SHIPPING INFORMATION before placing an order!

Size: Juvenile/Adult

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Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
First time shrimp owner

I was super happy with these shrimp. The color is awesome. Really appreciate the extra one, as I did lose one during transport. They are so fun to watch in the tank.

Greg Fisher
Yellow Goldenback Shrimp

Packed well, arrived alive and healthy!

Stephanie Maslowski
Great shrimp!

Great yellow goldenback shrimp! All a great size and not too small, and arrived very healthy. They really pop in my new shrimp tank. Amazing packaging for shipping


Good quality/color shrimp. Bright yellows, no dull brown or clear shrimp.

Kathie Buckley-Brown

Awesome quality!

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