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Very well packaged, the weather got really bad so they were delayed and extra day which worried me a little but they all got here just fine, fantastic colors, if your looking for neo shrimp that are all distinct from eachother this is the way to go, very pleased.
I am very impressed with the quality and health of these shrimp. They all came alive and well, and are very active and eating already. Shipping was smooth and they came well insulated from the cold. Highly recommend!!
Overall very happy with the order, the shrimp are acclimating into the tank nicely. The only slight critique I'd give is the insulation in the box creates quite a mess trying to get the shrimp out. I'm not sure if it's possible to use a mix of styrofoam with the insulation so there's a "door" that can be opened to more easily get the bag out of the box without getting insulation everywhere but that'd be something to consider. Overall though I'm not really complaining, the insulation kept the shrimp safe on their journey and they all arrived alive and thriving! Just be prepared with a big garbage bag when you open the box! :)
It hasn't died off in my tank and still looks great. I can't wait to see some red!
The plant looks very healthy, and already has roots. Seems to be doing well in my tank.
Great color shrimps, these will be awesome in my tank, and having these higher grade will make my colony stronger in color as they breed.
I even received a berried female, but she was sadly DOA. It was not the fault of the seller, plants and something for the shrimp to cling to was included in the bag. Also the bag has some purigen in it. The box was well insulated.The seller immediately refunded the doa after viewing pictures.
I bought some nice looking plants, and I received an extra beautiful plant. Included with the ultimate breeder pack was a few other useful items. Very happy, would purchase these again. The seller does read the comments section before shipping, and hand writes a star next to the request. A+
They arrived healthy and as well off as could be; any stress was mitigated as best the seller could with lots of insulation and packing. I did have an order of 5 but only 4 were in the bag, but accidents happen..? lol!
All my shrimp arrived alive and healthy. I'm a first time shrimp keeper, so was very nervous. All my questions were answered with patience, and I was helped with check-out when I had an issue. 10/10 will absolutely be ordering from here again.
Nice shrimp, mostly black with blue and brown hues. Good customer service, resolved problems quickly.
I was a little worried because the shipment got delayed over the weekend, but the shrimp do not seem any worse for wear for being out in weather a few more days.
great looking shrimp if im successful with these i'll go fancy with next colony
Sobre nosotros
Superior Shrimp & Aquatics, su fuente confiable de camarones neocaridina y caridina de primera calidad, plantas variadas y una selección curada de productos acuáticos esenciales. Encuentre todo lo que necesita para crear un hábitat acuático próspero. Desde accesorios aptos para camarones hasta guías de cuidado de expertos.
¿Por qué nosotros?
Ofrecemos camarones criados meticulosamente y seleccionados por criadores de primera calidad de todo el mundo. Cuidados para garantizar una salud y coloración óptimas. Podrás encontrar todo lo que necesitas para crear un hábitat acuático próspero, desde accesorios aptos para camarones hasta nuestras guías de cuidado expertas.
¡Por supuesto! El envío de camarones en invierno está totalmente bien. Hay paquetes térmicos disponibles para climas realmente fríos.
Descubra estos fascinantes crustáceos en una gran variedad de tonalidades, patrones y tamaños, perfectos tanto para principiantes como para acuaristas experimentados. Nuestro sitio ofrece camarones criados e importados meticulosamente, que se cuidan para garantizar una salud y una coloración óptimas. Encuentre todo lo que necesita para crear un hábitat acuático próspero, desde accesorios aptos para camarones hasta guías de cuidado expertas. Únase a nuestra comunidad de entusiastas de los camarones y emprenda un emocionante viaje hacia el cautivador reino de la cría de camarones de agua dulce. ¡Lo invitamos a conocernos y a aprender sobre cómo comenzamos este viaje!
5.0 / 5.0
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4.92 / 5.0
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4.9 / 5.0
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4.94 / 5.0
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5.0 / 5.0
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4.97 / 5.0
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4.94 / 5.0
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4.91 / 5.0
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4.33 / 5.0
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5.0 / 5.0
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4.82 / 5.0
(11) 11 reseñas totales
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