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The Raccoon Tiger Shrimp is a fascinating wild-type Caridina species that first appeared in the hobby around 2017. With their clear bodies adorned with subtle blue and yellow hues, these shrimp feature bold, black horizontal stripes across their midsections, giving them a tiger-like appearance. Despite their less vivid coloration, their unique and striking pattern makes them an appealing choice for aquarists. Raccoon Tiger Shrimp are small, growing to less than 1 inch, making them a great option for nano aquariums.
These shrimp thrive in soft, slightly warm water with a pH range from 6 to 7.5 and prefer peaceful tank environments, where they can coexist with other small species. Known for their adaptability to various water conditions, they are relatively low-maintenance and can add an elegant, active presence to community tanks. Their ability to blend seamlessly with aquascapes allows aquarists the freedom to create their ideal setup. Despite their understated colors, Raccoon Tiger Shrimp are charming and graceful swimmers that will thrive in the right conditions.
Caridina sp.
Complete your shrimp order with some vibrant plants! They provide essential hiding spots and enhance the natural look of your tank, creating a healthier, more enriching environment for your shrimp. Add plants to your order for a thriving, beautiful setup!
Check out the DOA POLICY and SHIPPING INFORMATION before placing an order!
Size: Juvenile/Adult
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